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Find Music bands, musicians, music performers, stage singers

Dj Jits

0 Ratings

Kolkata, India

DJ Music Band

Biography : Dj Jits (Born Soumyajit Basu) is a Indian Dj and Music Producer. He is a very young t...

Palash Roy

0 Ratings

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Music Band

Palash Roy is a Bangladeshi music artist, entrepreneur, and digital marketer. Young Musical Arti...

Kousumi Adhikaree

0 Ratings

Kolkata, Not Mentioned

Singer Music Band


Jolly Das

0 Ratings

Mumbai, India

Singer Music Band

Jolly Das, a Graduate in Music from Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata was an Indian Idol 2 Fin...


0 Ratings

Gobardanga, India

Singer Music Band

A bangla experimental folk band from gobardanga. Arranges and performs own compositions and covers.

Average Ratings: 4.6 (8 Ratings & Reviews)

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Enigmatixmedia - Website for Artists

Enigmatixmedia is a portal for media persons and businesses. Find photographers, models, makeup artists, dancers, hair designers, nail artists, actors. Also it is a platform for leading boutiques, dance academies, production houses, art schools, music bands and lots of listings. Join Enigmatixmedia to promote your business or portfolio. Enigmatixmedia offers free registration and promotion and provides updated news on media related jobs and trending news. Register now and get connected with Enigmatixmedia.

Our website is based on Professional & freelance Artists around the country. We have listed profiles & business as Acting Institute, Actor, Anchor, Dancer, Boutique, Model, Singer, Music Band, Photographer, Choreographer, Beauty Parlor, Fitness Trainer, Music School, Production House etc.

Enigmatixmedia is a platform for professional & freelance Artist & Business to promote profile, products, stories etc. Anyone can contact Artists or Business listed on our website if the request is approved. We offer Job portal for those who are seeking job. Workshop portal for those who want to create any event by our website.

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